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An update on Source Modding

Greetings! and welcome to the newly updated sourcemodding website.

Some of you may have noticed that the old site was falling into disrepair as a result of some strange changes my old image hoster made, and the old technology the system ran on.

The new site has been rebuilt and features the following.

  • Built on top of a new and much easier to maintain technology
  • All images are hosted locally as .webp (sorry safari users..)
  • Much improved mobile scaling
  • The tutorial & tool tables were all converted to beautiful JSON from CSV
  • The locally hosted and mostly unused forums have been shutdown and replaced with Steam community discussions
  • The Valve History Timeline has been re-imagined
  • Syntax Highlighting provided by the excellent PrismJS

What does the future have in store?

I have neglected source modding over the last few years as a result of pursuing other projects and honestly losing interest in the project (those who juggle full time jobs and multiple other passions may understand that predicament)

I will try to complete the tutorial & tool collections as well as continue the “Where is Poppy” tutorial series I started all those years back.

You will notice that the Source  2 tutorials section is very bare. I will start populating it shortly.

I will also put together some tools to make tutorial & tool submissions easier for those who are interested in helping fill out the collection.

I have put together a short high level roadmap of the direction I want to take this project over the next few years and will do my best to stick to it where possible.


Finally i want to thank you all for being interested in source modding and that you all find the service useful for your own projects.

I hope you all like the new and improved site and should you come across anything out of place be sure to let me know via E-Mail.