tf2 Mod Installer Simple program used to install .vpk files into the tf2 custom content directory easily. | | | | | |
Deleted Scenes .fgd This is the file you will need to create maps for Condition Zero: Deleted Scenes. This tool was available at Urban Ruins But the site has shut down. | | | | | |
KVUP Warcraft 3 -> Dota 2 KV Parser | | | | | |
ENABLE VIOLENCE CFG Enable Half Life 1 gore and blood, pretty much simple. | | | | | |
Dota API snippets for Sublime Text 2/3 Adds Code snippets for the LUA api if you work with Sublime Text | | | | | |
CZ Bind Maker CZ Bind Maker is a custom buy script and configuration editor for Counter-Strike 1.6 and Condition Zero. It provides point and click, buy scripting and configuration editing capabilities | | | | | |
t missionpack v 3.0 this is a mission pack for condition zero. to use xtract it to ur mission packs folder. | | | | | |
Avis Bot Creator/Editor for Counter Strike GUI Bot AI Editor!Allows you to create CS Bots Easily with a Gui Interface..Also added more helpful tools to increase speed of Mission Pack Development. A Must-Have for every CS Player. | | | | | |
CsSv Map Loader This soft is useful for giving server admins o team members the opportunity to upload/download maps from your server without giving them FTP access. | | | | | |
dota2 Sound Editor The Dota 2 Sound Editor allows you to modify sounds for items, voices, music and hero spells. | | | | | |
SignMaker Easy to use tool for the creation of portal style signs for test chambers | | | | | |
KV Files Builder splitS the Dota 2 KV files into smaller files to make them easier to read / manage. | | | | | |
Source 2 Resource Decompiler Decompiles the various _c formats into the content assets, can be used to decompile dota assets. | | | | | |
Avis Bot Creator/Editor for Counter Strike CZ GUI Bot AI Editor!Allows you to create CS Bots (for 1.6-CZ) Easily with a GuI Interface..Also added more helpful tools to increase speed of Mission Pack Development. A Must-Have for every CS Player. | | | | | |
Left 4 Dead 2 Map Generator Abandoned proof of concept algorithm for creating L4D2 maps from random tiles | | | | | |
RCBOT FOR svenCOOP 4.7 This the RCBOTS need for play with the SA13 pack if you running the last version of svenCOOP | | | | | |
CS_expert for hammer CS_expert FGD for hammer | | | | | |
Barebones Barebones sets up the necessary files to create a basic mod . | | | | | |
Fgd for CS Condidtion Zero Fgd file for making maps for CS Condidtion Zero. | | | | | |
Lyrics to CFG When you run the program it will take whatever is in the lyrics.txt and turn into a cfg you can run in game. | | | | | |
Emacs major mode for editing KeyValue files An Emacs major mode for editing files written in the KeyValues format that is used in Valve's Source engine. | | | | | |
UKTbinder7-2 CS 1.6 key binder | | | | | |
cs:cz tweaker changes everything in your game including bot profiles of missions,bot profiles of multiplayer game,new mission packs , some things like grenades related challenges in original missions are removed. | | | | | |
ModDota Lib A Flash library for Dota 2 custom gamemodes | | | | | |
4hud A tf2 Hud editor for Windows | | | | | |
WorldSmith Open source Dota 2 Mod Editor | | | | | |
Portal 2 Map Launcher A simple but effective GUI for loading custom and stock portal 2 maps. | | | | | |
Dota Custom Files Joiner Clever tool to help organize your custom file creation to avoid a mess. | | | | | |
KV Syntax highlighting and snippets for Sublime Text 2-3 Valve's KV Syntax, Snippets, and plugins for Dota 2 Workshop's custom gamemode developers. | | | | | |
Player Say A scaleform UI file for latching and allowing Lua to work with player chat. | | | | | |
D2 Modkit The Dota 2 Modkit provides tools to make your life easier when working with Dota 2 Files for modding. | | | | | |
Fix Death Model Animation Tools Fix Death Model Animation Tools | | | | | |
Portal to Portal 2 Content Porter Greatly eases the process of porting content from Portal 1 to Portal 2. | | | | | |
Lua API stub classes Publicly available snippets for Dota 2 Workshop Tools | | | | | |
FoxBot 7z for tfc FoxBot 7z for tfc | | | | | |
Background Maker Put pic file in tool and make own background for tfc,hl,CS | | | | | |
Bot Editor 1.5.1 This application create, edit, fixes, and save the database for your Counter-Strike 1.6 or any modification that base on 1.6 version. | | | | | |
KVLib A C# Key-Value parser and library Key Value Parsing library in C# | | | | | |
tfconfig Makes your life a little easier when setting up bindings for tfc. | | | | | |
dota2 Builder helper library A library to help make RTS-style and Tower Defense custom games in Dota 2 | | | | | |
BEEmod Tool to mod Portal 2's Puzzlemaker | | | | | |
Upgradeable Items KV Builder This script can be used to generate all the item levels and recipes for your items | | | | | |
CS 1.6 Plugin Installer Easy CS 1.6 Plugin Installer (amxx plugins only) by Galih Sitopan | | | | | |
Commandmenu Editor Now you can make your custom in game menus, enjoy using your custom scripts with the comfort of a graphical menu. Now its easy, just add/remove/edit menus previewing result immediately! | | | | | |
VConsole 2 Lib A PoC library for working with the VConsole2 network protocol. | | | | | |