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Level Creation

Name / Purpose
BSP Tools
Contains 3 Tools, BSP_View, BSP_Tool and BSP_Slicer all of which perform useful tasks on Half-Life Maps
GTK Radiant
The open source, cross platform level editor for id Tech games.
The Compilator
GUI Compiler for Half-Life Maps
WorldCraft Color Editor
Hack the colors in WorldCraft
Source Map Generator
Small tool for generating Random Source Maps
Hammer Launcher
A tool for tweaking hammer settings and using multiple texture profiles
Tree Planter
This is a tool I made to create huge forests in Source maps (It should work with any source game!)
Identifies and archives all dependencies for bsp files.
Small Tool for extracting Textures from BSPs and into WADs. Includes GUI Versions WinTextract & Textract Suite
VBSP - prop_static Fix
This is a modified VBSP that does not delete prop_static entities using models with propdata
Quake2/3 map surface generator
Batch Compiler
Batch compile Source and GoldSrc Maps
Decompile GoldSrc .bsp files into Hammer .map files.
QE Radiant
Alternative Map Editor mainly used for Quake 2 but compatible with GoldSrc
Half Life Automap
Generate a random map for Half-Life based on criteria you set in the application
This program will create a half-life2 displacement map from a heightmap image.
Collection of various bspconv exes i have found around the net
converts Minecraft files into vmf files
Convert Worldcraft 3.3 Maps into the Radiant Format
BSP Level Editor
Alternative to Hammer
Orbital Studio Batch Compiler
Batch map compiler for GoldSrc
JPHL Map Maker
Alternative Map Editor for GoldSrc games
Valve Batch Compile Tool
Standalone Compiler for Source Maps
Custom Source Tools
Similar to ZHLT for Goldsrc, it speeds up compilation for Source
Map Viewer
Small application for viewing map files, Superseded by crafty
Custom FGDs Source
A small collection of FGD's for Source
BSP Source
Decompile Source .bsp files into Hammer .vmf files. Successor to VMEX
OGLE the OpenGLExtractor
OGLE is a rather amazing 3d tool that can extract shapes from 3d scenes being rendered on a computer screen
BSP Pak Extractor
Simplest Pak extractor ever. Just pick a map and click the button
HDR Targa Tools
Tools to aid in creation of HDR Targa files (command line)
vmf parser
A small VMF to JSON parser
Compile Pal
A tool to assist in the compiling of source engine maps
Hammer Floating Point Tool
This tool blocks Hammer from converting plane coordinates to integers when exporting .map file and thus enables Hammer to output the original floating point coordinates.
Optimizes the entities in compiled maps, allowing you to include more entities and also reduce network traffic.
Mapping Tools
Collection of tools useful for mapping with GoldSrc
Custom Batch File Manager
This program will help you to manage all your customs files, for your maps , texture, models or mods
Custom Lightstyle Generator
Create a custom light style for your goldSrc maps
Compiler and Decompiler rolled into one tool
Quake Tools Legacy
Legacy compilation tools for quake
Simple tool to dump raw data from Valve's map files.
Transparency DLL for WON Half-Life
Custom DLL that supports transparency in Half-Life for pre Steam WON
Older free for personal use version of Terragen for sculpting landscapes
Mapping Dev Texture Guides
Some Dev Texture guides to aid with level creation
Map Backup
Great little command line tool for creating a backup of your map during the compile process
This program adds custom content to a BSP. It is a GUI version of Valve's bspzip.
Maplist Generator
List Maker automatically generates your maplist.txt and mapcycle.txt, it can be further used for making lists outside of Maplist making.
GoldSrc Map Viewer
Map viewer for Valve's GoldSrc engine (needs to be compiled)
It is another type of solid which is perfect for creating terrain. A plugin for Hammer
Generates displacements that would usually take an extremely long time, or just be impossible to do in Hammer.
FGD Wikifier
Create an easily readable version of an FGD (commandline)
Auto Compiler
automatically finds mapfiles to compile in the directory it is run
U Need A Unit
Simple tool for converting world units into Hammer Units
BSP View
Preview a map contained in a BSP file.
Alternative to Hammer Editor for Level design
Half-Life BSP Tools
A nice tool made in 2015 which can come in handy sometimes when a bsp file is too large and wont work in BSPtoMAP.exe
A slimmed down copy of the Source SDK 2013 map compile tools
Open-source library for reading and editing BSP files
Valve Batch Compile Tool
Valve Batch Compile tool (VBCT) is a source map Compile tool
Half-Life Quake3 Map Converter
Convert maps between Quake3 and Half-Life
ToolBox Editor (Quake Engine Map File Text Editor)
Modify the entities of a .map file by editing its text
this will pack every custom item into your map up to and including map over views
Vmex Mod
Valve Map Extractor modified version (Successor to VMEX)
Compile Tracker
Another great tool from RedMser which tracks Hammers compilation progress even when it seems to hang
Source Compile Analyzer
Analyzes and reports on errors in the map compilation process
Generate mazes for your level in GoldSrc
Quake Scene Builder
Basic Model viewer for GoldSrc
VTF Version Changer
Simple tool to change VTF versions from 7.5 to 7.4
RES File Maker
Creates .Res files for Source games running on a server
BSP Edit
View and Edit the Entity information of a compiled BSP Map
Color Correct
Color Correct is a 3DS Max texture plug-in which alters the colors of any texture
Enigmas FGD Creator
A graphical interface for creating and editing Half-Life FGD Files.
Map Resource Extractor
Map Resource Extractor (MRE) is a small program that reads the VMF, and only copies the content that has been used in the map.
This tool is used to create the smallest convex brush containing all points in the input file. Input file can be .smd (use its vertexes), .map (brushes and point entities) or .pts file.
Hammer unit converter
integrates into Hammer and allows conversion of Source Engine units into metric or imperial units.
Source Map compiler GUI
GUI Compiler for Source Maps
VMF Instance Inserter
Inserts instances into a map
Hazard Team Compile Tool
A tool for compiling maps from VMF to BSP format
The Calliper editor (formerly Crowbar) is designed to be a cross-platform, extensible level editor that accelerates the creation of computer game maps, and is targeted specifically at Source engine games.
Tools supporting the creation of HDR Images for the Engine
HL Compiled
Batch compiler for automating Map Compilation
hlfix is a tool that converts Worldcraft/VHE format files (.rmf) to standard .map files
Half-Life Level Compilation Controller (HLCC)
Tool for compiling Maps from hammer
Half-Life SpawnPointEditor
This is the barebones program that GFlip uses as it's base
Entspy is program for viewing and editing the entities of compiled map
Map Compiler Plugin - Nightfire
Displays all options for, and facilitates, compiling maps for Nightfire
Plan Shape
a 3D Shape Generator for the Quake & Half-Life Map Format
Valve Map Extractor, Decompile BSP maps for source (original version)
Uncle Mike's VHLT
This is an modified version of VHLT v34 by Uncle Mike designed for the Xash3D engine (bsp v31)
Sledge Editor
Free, Opensource, drop-in editor replacement for Hammer
Allows you to create interesting 3D shapes without going through all the hassle of vertex manipulation
The only native Mac OS X level editor for Quake 1
Map Obfuscator (IID)
Removes entity names from your map and helps prevent people from stealing your work
Nightfire BSP Decompiler
Decompiles some BSP maps with most support for Nightfire 007
VSIF2VCD is a command line scenes.image extractor/decompiler.
Map Protections
Small collection of obfuscation techniques for maps
Q2 Beaver
Windows interface that frontends the compiling utilities
The Original official mapping utility from Valve
Custom ZHLT by vluzacn (VHLT)
ZHLT rebuilt and up to date with latest engine build
BSP Unprotect
Decrypt files that have been protected with BSPProtect (commandline)
BSP2OBJ is a command-line utility capable of converting Quake, Quake 2 and Half-Life map files into OBJ meshes
Super Half-Life Tools
Update to ZHLT
Aids in nthe process of converting GoldSrc maps into Source maps
Make VMF
Q3 .map to HL2 .vmf converter
Frontend wrapper for netvis
Valve Hammer Editor Compiler
Standalone Compiler for GoldSrc Maps
BSP Library
C# Library for working with BSP files (and other similar file formats).
VNIX Map Protector
Small utility for helping protect bsp maps
Map Analyst (MAN)
A GUI tool for embedding custom content
Quake Army Knife, multi-purpose tool for games based on or similar to the Quake engine
Random Map Creator
RandMap is a random map generator for Half-Life
Vgroup (Auto VisGroup'er)
This tool can help you by grouping the map into VisGroups based on a grid.
A tool to generate cl_leveloverview from BSP files
Custom FGDs GoldSrc
A collection of FGD's for GoldSrc
Zoners Half-Life Tools (ZHLT)
Modified versions of the tools used in the Map compilation process
Cancel Compile
Batch files for killing the compile processes
Worldcraft Hammer Editor Map Compiler
Worldcraft Hammer Editor Map Compiler is a set of .bat files that make the process of compiling and developing .bsp maps from .vmf files an easy and fun task.
Map Lister
Lists maps for easy maplist.txt
HL Labyrinth generator
This program is a little tool for those that like the Half-Life game, with
its amazing kind of enemies and weapons.
Gear Craft
Editor used for 007 Nightfire map creation
Net Radiant
The open source, cross platform level editor for idtech games (GTKRadiant fork)
Nav Fixer
fixes the annoying Navigation Mesh was built using a different version of this map
VBSP h4xed
A modified version of VBSP designed to greatly increase the maximum width and length of visleaves.
Crafty is a 3D object, material, model and file browsing utility for Source & GoldSrc Maps.
Half Life Game Level Viewer
DirectX based application to open and view Half Life 1 game files (Source Code)
Transparency DLL for STEAM Half-Life
Custom DLL that supports transparency in Half-Life for Steam
Map Parse
C# library that will parse Quake/Half-Life MAP files
Alternative Map Editor for GoldSrc games
Multi Game Map Editor that supports Half-life
Edit the entities of Source and GoldSrc games
Xash studiomdl
Modified Compiler with support for large models and textures
Hammer VMF Helper
Used to take source-css console commands and convert them into .vmf-compatible commands.
Nem's Mega 3D Terrain Generator
Generates Terrain for Games
Adjust the light levels in a map
Map Extractor
Useful tool for extracting the contents of BSP files
Mappers Pack
Collection of the main tools required for mapping with GoldSrc
Sledge JS
A collection of JavaScript functions to load Goldsource and Source map files and render them. Not an editor.
This is Badger. It's a tool to generate levels for Half-Life 2, Black Mesa.
Older program used for editing entities within bsp maps
Map Performance Menu
Simple bindings for debugging maps
Convert .BSP files to .MAP files & Extract files from .PAK or .SIN files
Map Protector
Small prefab to help protect your map
Create a Map using color information through 2D
Toolbox Lux RAD Editor
Edit light values inside a Maps RAD file
Vert Alert
Find, display, and optionally round floating point plane coordinates in Source engine .vmf files.
Random SP map generator for Half-Life
Hammer Patch
Modification of Source Valve Hammer Editor to fix some issues. Fixes brush vertex precision loss.
Prop Rotate
Rotates selected entity types in a map
BSP Viewer - Solokiller
This project is a prototype map renderer for Half-Life BSP files.
This is a tool for showing leaks in a map made in WordCraft.
Hammer Units Converter (HUC)
Standalone units converter
Instant Lammer Editor
Well made Russian Level Editor for GoldSrc
Joiner is a little application that reads in a template .vmf file and produces a new .vmf filled with supports based on your template and customised settings or config.
The Official Editor for Valve Games
HammerMate is a tool I use to save and load the wad texture list for Hammer 3.4 / 3.5.
BSP Viewer
Preview a map contained in a BSP file.
TCG - Batch Compile GUI
GUI frontend for Source compiling tools
Forest Generator
Generate forests within your maps based on surface type
Overview Description Generator
makes textfiles to go with your overview pictures from Half-Life maps.
Create Displacements for your maps
Sky Viewer
Great little application for viewing skys used in game