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Level Design

Name / Description
Making Props Show Up
Making Props Show Up
Paste Special by Bud Doug Lee (146)
This example demonstrates how to build a 21 floor spiral staircase using the Paste Special function.
Making a freight elevator with props
Background Pictures (61)
This tutorial explains how to make a picture of your choice load up as the background picture on the ingame menu page.
Moving Floor (190)
This tutorial shows how to make a conveyor that transports the player - so a moving floor I guess. I will put up a tutorial on how to make one for transporting objects later.
Manhack Attack 2 (14)
Part 2. Add manhacks to your level that are hostile towards the player
Strider movement using linked Info_node_air_hint (133)
This is fairly basic and does not require an extensive knowledge of Hammer.
CCTV Monitors (24)
create a CCTV style monitor that will display two different camera locations on one monitor toggled by a button.
Introduction to the Particle Editor by Dylan Holcomb (196)
Put together by Dylan Holcomb, this helps you find your way around the new Particle Editor.
Beginners Guide to Triggers, Inputs and Outputs in Source
Triggers, Inputs and Outputs are an intricate part of adding interactivity to your levels
Real Constructive: Hammer Geometry for Unreal Mappers
Real Constructive: Hammer Geometry for Unreal Mappers
Cordon Tools (103)
Cordon Tools in Hammer are useful for enclosing a map for compiling, if you don't have a skybox yet. Also useful for locating errors in a large map.
ai_relationship (88)
This is a tutorial on the ai_relationship entity. It will emerge in parts as I experiment with what works and what doesn't. In this tutorial we will look at how to get the npc_combine_s to ignore the player.
Elapsed Time by Bud Doug Lee (192)
Elapsed Time by Bud Doug Lee
Env_Steam (51)
This tutorial covers the env_steam entity , and includes a valve to turn it on and off.
Zogger's Lift (31)
It shows how to make a lift that will visit anyone of five floors, by pressing the appropriate button
An easy little tutorial that teaches the user to create hinged objects. In this example, we'll be making shutters.
Scripted Sequences
Control NPC actions
Portal Wake Up - Bud Doug Lee (164)
PORTAL tutorial illustrating how to set up the wake up scene at the beginning of the game. It is similar to the scene where Gordon Wakes Up in HL2.
Stalker by Terrenteller (153)
This tutorial by Terrenteller shows how to spawn an npc_stalker by a button. The stalker walks across the room then disappears.
Using A Logic_Case For Random Effect
Introduction to, and use of, a logic_case
Unpluggable TV
Creating the unpluggable TV, as seen in Half-Life 2.
Making a Camera
Making a Camera
Making Respawnable Entities
Making Respawnable Entities
Breakable Glass (11)
Add Breakable Glass to your level
Hammer Editor Tutorial #2 - Navigation (Part 2)
In this Tutorial we'll explain you how to navigate the Hammer Editor. You'll learn more about the functions of the Tools and the handling of the Editor.
Strider Weapons by YoMother (116)
This is a basic tutorial about how to get the Strider to fire the minigun and the cannon. The set up is straightforward, just a bit specialised for the demonstration VMF
Moving Background (81)
making a moving background map on the menu page of the game.
Disguising the player as a combine by Treb_Treb (212)
Disguising the player as a combine by Treb_Treb
AI-goal_follow (84)
This Tutorial covers some very basic stuff about env_global specifically the effect of the Gordon Pre-criminal setting in relation to NPC_Citizens following or not following the player.
Remote Controlled Vehicle by Bud Doug Lee (180)
Create a remote control mechanism that applies to a vehicle.
Dropship transports and drops an APC vehicle (151)
This tutorial shows how to make an npc_combinedropship carry and drop off an npc_vehicle_apc.
Snow (118)
This is a simple tutorial; how to make it snow. The standard brush env_precipitation does not really work, everything in it looks like rain. However env_embers is a good substitute.
Source physics
An introduction to Source physics
Chucking Barrels (65)
Make combine NPCs hurl barrels at the player and fire at them
How to make glass
A guide on the three diffrent types of glass the source engine is capable of
Senji's Basic Lighting Tutorial (54)
This is a basic tutorial on lighting which I discovered on thread at Facepunch Forums. I liked it's simple straighforward four step approach to getting good basic lighting effects.
Soldiers Rappel from a Helicopter (68)
This tutorial shows a way of getting two Combine soldiers to Rappel from a helicopter.
Moving Ladder (110)
This tutorial was written in response to a query on the Chatbear forum. Shadowofamn wanted to know how to make a ladder, like a fire escape, that slides down to ground level so you can use it.
A Room (1)
This builds a BASIC ROOM takes you through making brushes, hollowing, placing the player, adding a light source and some basic texturing operations in Hammer
Trigger Look (204)
One way of using trigger_look. In the VMF - you see a screen of the adjacent room, then a shelf falls down in the room enabling you to get a gun and ammo. Zombies Optional !
Using the Cordon Tool
An easy to use tool that makes life easier in many ways.
Troop Dropship (15)
This one looks at how you get a dropship to take troops to a particular location on a map.
Basic Vertex Editing - Part 1 (67)
This tutorial is on the Vertex edit tool. It attempts to show how to use this tool to manipulate brushes into different shapes.
Trigger_Wind (150)
Illustrates a use of the trigger_wind entity. The VMF has a simple set up some containers on a table and a cardboard box are blown by a gust of wind.
Lighting Basics
A guide to light ents for newbies
How to make breakable glass
How to make breakable glass
Basic Displacement - by Raidenator (78)
This is a basic tutorial by Raidenator on how to create a displacement brush. These are the brushes that are used mainly for creating terrain.
The Input/Output system
The input/output system for the Source engine is a very powerful tool, read on to learn its secrets
Garage Door (113)
This tutorial shows how to build a garage door that opens up and over.
Placing a Sun in your map (138)
Looks at both way of putting a sun (env_sun) into your map.
RazorTrain (42)
shows how the oncoming train in d2_coast-07 was put together.
Dangling Sparky Wire (198)
illustrating a dangling electric wire
Hanging Light (185)
How to make a hanging/swinging light fixture.
Trigger_changelevel (85)
This tutorial shows the basic steps to change from one map to another (level change)in the game.
Stairs (27)
This is a tutorial about stairs.
Simple Swinging Light
Simple Swinging Light
Simple Lasers (127)
This is a tutorial on simple lasers using env_beam ). It looks at 'Trip' Lasers, that when you walk through make something happen and harmful lasers that hurt or kill the player.
Seamless Skybox Fog
A short and sweet tutorial that shows a simple way to blend fog seamlessly into the horizon.
Making a Spawn in CS:Source
Making a Spawn and func_buyzone in CS:S
How to create a rotating door using models.
Corridor and Doors (7)
This tutorial is a continuation of the fourth tutorial, we will take the rooms made there and join them with a corridor.
Func_Reflective_glass (Mirrors) by Namelezz! (171)
This is a short tutorial on the new func_reflective_glass and texture,
Quick and easy rock formations
how to make rock structure from multiple displacements
Counter-Strike Source and R_speeds
Counter-Strike Source and R_speeds
Info_Node_Link (148)
This is a tutorial illustrating a use of the info_node_link. An entity that has a link to another info_nodethat can be turned on and off.
3d Skybox (100)
An intermediate tutorial, it will try to give as much step by step as possible, but assumes you have Basic knowledge like making a room, placing entities and texturing.
CSS Bomb Target video (70)
CSS Bomb target
Real World Mapping by aazell (213)
This is a tutorial for creating an initial block map for an outdoor real world location.
The Arch Tool - Part 2 (74)
In this second tutorial on the Arch tool. In it we will look at how to make curved corners and coving in rooms.
Collapsing Ceiling
A Physics Collapsing Ceiling
Revolving Doors (140)
This shows how to build a Revolving Door. The tutorial will cover making a plain door; a door with glass in, and a door with breakable glass in.
Respawning props - the hard way
How to make stuff respawn if the conventional ways fail.
Looking at Non_Playable Buildings - MiniTut
a tutorial on how buildings that are not accessible to the player, but form an essential part of maps, were made, and were able to look so realistic.
Electrified Water (199)
This is part two of the dangly wire/electrified water tutorial. It uses the set up in the last tutorial and only adds a water brush and a trigger_hurt brush, and a couple of adjustments to outputs.
Simple lights
Let you map have light! A tutorial that will give you a better idea of how simple lights are implemented into your maps and also the effects that they will have on the compiled product.
More Displacement Mapping
In this tutorial we will learn how to use the sew command with displacement mapping, as well as a few tips for easier dispacement mapping.
Zipline (163)
The tutorial is one way of making a zipline.
Texture Blending
How to blend two existing textures
Hidden and Dangerous: npc_sniper
Hidden and Dangerous: npc_sniper
Neon Lights by Bud Doug Lee (201)
This is a tutorial on Neon Signs, made by Bud Doug Lee. The VMF has three letter 'A' in red, that blink on one at a time, then all blink on and off.
Displacement Surfaces 1 - The Basics
An introduction to terrain creation
Cop kicks door open (109)
I put a vmf in the 'Workshop' covering a few ways of making a cop kick down a door, but they were hacks really, so this is the real thing.
Mapping Theory by Stadric (99)
This is part of a series of tutorials on making better maps through simple techniques. This isn't about performance, this is about style, read another tutorial to get higher frame rates.
Teleports (12)
This tutorial is about Teleports. The map shows four teleports, A to B then B to A.
Hammer Editor Tutorial #2 - Navigation (Part 1)
In this Tutorial we'll explain you how to navigate the Hammer Editor. You'll learn more about the functions of the Tools and the handling of the Editor.
Crouch/Stand-off (176)
In HL2 City 17 - there's a scene where you and some rebels are trying to get through a combine gate.
Climbing Zombie (23)
Illustrates how to make fast zombies climb. Also in here is a way of starting the map in cheat mode on map spawn.
Vehicle Pod (19)
Illustrates the use of func_tracktrain, path_track and the phys_ragdoll_constraint.
Light Tricks by Stadric (124)
Covers four different ways of making Volumetric Light and in part two shows how to create fake shadows.
Rotating Light (132)
This tutorial shows how to make a simple rotating light. It's illustrated here as two lights on opposite sides of the fitting, but you can have one or three or more.
Plug and Socket (25)
This tutorial shows how to make the plug that features a lot in the game.
How to toggle console.
Alot of people have problems with opening their console.
Electrification (175)
This tutorial shows how to electrify something so that touching it hurts the player.
Import Custom Textures
Import Custom Textures
The Rocket Turret (162)
This is a PORTAL tutorial. Shows how to construct the Rocket Gun - from a VMF by Bud Doug Lee.
Random Teleporter
A teleporter that goes to a random location
Model based Prop_Door_Rotating (49)
In this tutorial we will build a room and divide it with a wall.
Displacement Surfaces 2 - Alpha Masking
Texture variation within a terrain surface
Random Locking and Unlocking Buttons and Doors (46)
This tutorial demonstrates the use of the logic_case and logic_timer entities.
Breakable Glass Doors
Design realistically-breaking glass doors
Logic Choreographed Scene (92)
This is a tutorial is the first on the logic_choreographed_scene.
Hanging from a Rope (174)
This tutorial shows how to hang something from a rope/cable. In this case it's a citizen - but the same principle applies to other models/entities.
NPC Scripting Basics
An introduction to scripted_sequences in Source.
Making a working plug and combine generator
A tutorial covering how to make plugs that can be unplugged and plugged in over and over again, as well as learning how to use the combine power generator prefab.
Making a Camera
This camera is good for when you join a map, it gives you a view of the map before you join a team
Double Drawbridge (18)
Part 3 - This tutorial shows how to make a double drawbridge.
Simple Camera (28)
This tutorial shows how to make a simple camera and project a scene onto a monitor.
Blowing up a Combine Doorlock by Kennyist (210)
Made in Episode 1 config. Tutorial shows how to blow up doors with combine lock on.
Keypad (5)
This tutorial was written by Boomstick123 (with hints from Bornstein) and creates a fully operational keypad for unlocking a door.
Change Gman to a Model Citizen (206)
Making the Gman into a 'Model Citizen'
Ep2 Car and Radar (168)
This shows how to put the Episode 2 car in your map. It also shows how to set up the radar unit, and an example of using it.
A Room with a Light (2)
Create a simple room with a light
Realistic tunnels and caves
Shows you how to make a tunnel through the use of displacements
Destruction using the Clipping and Vertex tools
How to create destroyed holes realistically via the Clipping and Vertex Edit tools
You saw them, you want to make them...
Clipping Vs. Carving
Cutting holes in things: which tool and why
Triggering a Sound
Triggering a Sound
The Tangled Web We Weave: Ropes in HL2
The Tangled Web We Weave: Ropes in HL2
A quick guide on how to make that really fantastic looking water from Half Life 2/Counter Strike.
Custom soundscapes
How to add custom sounds to Source maps
A Jump Pad (182)
Wanted to make something like in Unreal tournament a bounce pad,
Rotating Door
How to make a simple door that swings open
Creating different glass types
Making a camera , Part 2
These cameras are working monitors that turn on when a button is pushed.
PORTAL Timer by Bud Doug Lee (173)
This is a timer put together by Bud Doug Lee for PORTAL. It is set up so that as soon as the map starts the timer counts down from 30 seconds to zero.
Tire Swing
A tutorial on how to create a tire swing with physics and constraints
Exploding Gaspumps (111)
how to set up the exploding Gaspumps found in one of the coast levels.
Escalator by Bud Doug Lee (139)
Shows how to make an escalator using the func_tracktrain.
Env_Screenoverlay (114)
This tutorial will explore how to use the env_screenoverlay entity. This is used in the intro to HL2 with G-Man musing about calling on Gordon again. The tutorial covers just the basic stuff about how to make it work.
Drawbridge Mechanisms (17)
Part 2 - In this Tutorial I have included two fake mechanisms.
Introduction to Colour Correction
Set the mood of a scene easily using Source's in-game GUI colour correction editor.
Zombie breaks through metal panels (108)
In this and the last two tutorials, I have tried to show how to set up a zombie breaking through walls: out of a cupboard and through metal panels
Scripted Sequences (35)
In this tutorial I have tried to show how to set up scripted_sequences.
Faceposer Video Tutorial (Pt2) by Meathead (95)
Second Video tutorial showing how to get your creations into Half-Life2 by means of a logic_choreograpphed_scene.
Env_Fog_Controller by Zyx (89)
Draws a basic outside area with trees and fog, and suggests a couple of good sky and light environment combinations to get a good effect.
Additive Triggers
Using Math_Counters To Trigger Single Events From Multiple Triggers
Key to the door (91)
This is a tutorial showing two ways how to make a door that stays locked until the player has a 'key' to unlock it. Can be used with any sort of door. This tutorial will use a func_door , a func_rotating_door .
A Guide to Lighting in Source - Part One
Part one of an In-depth tutorial covering the ins and outs of lighting in the Source Engine
Real Lift/Elevator (Eli's Lab) (93)
This is a tutorial on how to make a 'real' lift/elevator. This is the prop_dynamic model lift seen throughout the HL2 game, primarily in Eli's Lab.
End of the Tunnel Effect
Ever wondered how Valve made them, find out here!
Creating a Skybox
Creating a Skybox
Want some realistic terrain? Read on!
Reducing Vis Times
Reducing Vis Times
Brushwork The Vertex Tool (195)
This is just an illlustration of what can be achieved with creative brushwork, so you don't always have square or rectangular rooms in your map.
CSS Hostage Rescue Video (69)
CSS hostage resuce
Endless Trains (200)
This tutorial is another train oriented one. It shows how to make a couple of trains go from one tunnel to another, and after a short while they do it again endlessly.
Ai_Goal_police (86)
This is a basic tutorial about the ai_goal_police . This is basically an entity that when triggered forces a named npc_metropolice to guard a particular area in your map.
Make players start out with certain weapons
Make players start out with certain weapons.
Additive Outputs and Triggers (71)
It shows a good way of using a math_counter and triggers, to set off a number of events.
Hammer Tutorial: The Basics
Learn how to install the Source SDK correctly and how to use Valve’s Hammer Editor
Respawning Entities (52)
The tutorial shows how you can respawn the func_physbox (which puts the map back to the start) by means of func_buttons.
Citizen Screams and Runs (36)
In this short tutorial we'll get a citizen to run from one side of the map to the other screaming.
Basic Clipping
Using the 'Clipping' tool to cut holes
Moving Lasers (136)
This is a follow to Simple Lasers. It demonstrates how to link lasers to entities which move. Two ways are illustrated here and in 137 - a laser that goes up and down and one that revolves and moves to and fro at the same time.
Making a Rope/Cable
Making a Rope/Cable
Construction of a Non_Playable Building (63)
I have taken the Hotel building from Trainstation and constructed it from scratch.
PrePlaced Portal by Namelezz! (194)
Early on in Portal, the Portal gun can only place one type of Portal, so the other will be present already. This tutorial originally by Namelezz! shows how to do this.
AI_Goal _Lead (48)
This is a short simple tutorial outlining the steps you need to take to get an NPC to lead the player to a particular place.
Friendly Floor Turrets (186)
Tutorial on how to set up Floor turrets to shoot at your enemies.
Key Locked Door
Make a door that can only be opened with a key card
Make a button turn a light on and off
Creating doors
Mounted Turret for Orange Box Games by Lord Ned (191)
Creating a Mounted gun, for Orange-box games and mods. (Ep2, etc)
Switchable Light (3)
In this tutorial we will take the room made in the last and put in two ways of turning the light on and off.
Headcrab Canisters by Chrome (165)
this shows how to make the headcrab canisters that crash in from the sky and disgorge a number of headcrabs.
Cylinder and Sphere using Displacement (131)
This tutorial shows the very simple way to make cylinders and spheres using displacements.
Moving Lasers Pt 2 (137)
This is the second tutorial on moving lasers. In this one the laser is in a round tunnel, it moves back and forward through the tunnel and revolves at the same time.
List of Half-Life 2 and Counter-Strike Source skynames
List of Half-Life 2 and Counter-Strike Source skynames
The Tunnel Effect
Ever wanted to know how VALVe did the blinding light tunnel trick in Half-Life 2? Found out here.
Scoobs Movlinear Lift (38)
This tutorial on an alternative multi choice lift using func_movlinear instead of func_tracktrain.
Pop-up Ground Turret by Chrome (125)
This was my first tutorial, for a pop up ground turret as seen in d3_c17_10b
Tiberium fuel by Bud doug Lee (184)
This tutorial shows how to 'fuel' an energy source.
Mirror by PooLatka (105)
how to make a mirror
Relative Lighting by Bud Doug Lee (152)
This is an example using the undocumented info_lighting_relative entity. Its primary use seems to be to light a prop_dynamic or prop_physics in a situation where a normal lighting source will not fit, or where a special lighting effect is desired.
Ant_Lions Spawn and Attack (33)
The following tutorial shows how to spawn antlions that attack you.
Arch Tool
Creating an arch that fits in a square hole
Texture alignment through arches using displacement maps
Using displacement maps to preserve texture alignment around arches.
An introduction to clipping.
*Clip clip* Learn it. Use it. Love it.
Antlions Fly to designated point (34)
make antlions or other npc's assault / move to a place on the map
Decompiling BSP to VMF (59)
You are able to examine a VMF and pull out the bits you are interested in looking at, and learn how Valve used entities and how they relate to each other, to achieve certain effects.
Using and understanding trigger_look
Level Changes in HL2
Getting it done despite the bugs
Rope Bridge by Chrome (135)
It makes a Rope Bridge that spans a gap of 256 and is 64 units wide. There are two examples one is breakable.
Using the displacement feature
Using the displacement feature
Movable objects
Movable objects
Making a Dynamic Light
Making a Dynamic Light
Iris Door (56)
This tutorial shows how to make an 'Iris' door.
Zombies with no Headcrab (187)
Simple tute showing how to do this. Be aware that when they get shot a headcrab appears from nowhere !!
3D Skybox
Making distant scenery
Making a Ladder
Making a Ladder
Faceposer Video Tutorial (Pt1) by Meathead (94)
This tutorial shows how to insert your own .wav file and get a model (GMan in this case) to mouth what you have recorded.
New Glass
Need to make some good old fashioned glass in Source? Read on.
Cscanner as Trigger (20)
This tutorial is just another way of triggering something into action.
Blow up a wall with an airstrike
Blow up a wall with an airstrike
Remaking mini_dust2
A short story on a 1.6 to source conversion
Phys PulleyConstraint (82)
This tutorial will try to explain how the phys_pulleyconstraint entity works.
The Clip Tool (60)
This tutorial is about the Clip tool.
Door Explodes Upwards (50)
how to make a func_physbox explode upwards, and basically how to fling heavy objects into the air.
This tutorial gives you a better idea of how some of those cool water effects in HL2 are created. It's surprisingly simple
Portal: Changing Textures/Signs (160)
Portal: Changing Textures/Signs
Swing Doors (121)
This is a tutorial showing how to make swing doors.
Cscanner drops mines (126)
A tutorial on how to get an npc_cscanner to equip itself with Combine Mines and drop them. The scanner uses Path Corners to guide it's movement.
Simple Ladders
Quick and Easy Working Ladders
Placing weapons with ammo
How to place weapons with ammo in CS:S
Dropship drops Strider (66)
This tutorial shows how you get a Dropship to drop a Strider.
Curved Pipes using Displacements by Nicadeamas (154)
Shows how to make an angled pipe using displacements.
Input/Output tabs
little how-to on the new way to link entities
Env_Soundscape by Mynameisme (96)
This is a tutorial on the env_soundscape entity, written by Mynameisme. It shows how to put in two different soundscapes and how they work in changing from one to another.
Zombie breaks through walls (106)
How to set up a zombie breaking through a wall, out of a cupboard and through metal panels (a bit like in the early coast level). I have tried to show a few ways of doing it using, and in the process illustrate a couple of ways of blowing up walls.
Raising and Lowering Water: Valve and Button (80)
how to make water rise and fall in a map
Zombie Slump Rise (155)
This one shows how to create the Zombie lying on the floor who gets up when you appear, 'Zombie Slumprise' I think.
Spawn Item Button
This is a tutorial for how to spawn objects with a press of a button.
Tunnels made with displacements by Zyx (98)
how I made the tunnels in my map
Using the Nodraw Texture
Using the Nodraw Texture
Portal Pits by Jamie Lea (157)
This is our first PORTAL tutorial. It shows how to make the Pits that appear throughout the game.
Simple Lifts (9)
Create a simple lift/elevator system for your maps
PORTAL: Two Button Door (169)
This is another PORTAL tutorial. This one is the basic circular door model this time with two buttons needed to open the doors.
Autostairs (202)
Resembling the automatic stairs in Portal, this was made for Ep 2. It will work in both Half-life 2 and Portal, just be selective with your textures.
Cop Shoots Flare (128)
A short tutorial illustrating how to get an npc_metropolice to shoot a flare into the air.
Aiscripted_schedule (58)
This shows one way of using the aiscripted_schedule entity. We will create a group of combine, who will seek out and come after the player.
Practical Displacements
Practical Displacements
Helicopter (30)
This is a basic tutorial about npc_helicopter
Adding that touch of ambience to your Source maps
Portal Door (158)
This is another PORTAL tutorial. This one is the basic circular door model. Next tutorial will deal with the button that you put the box on to open it.
Gameplay Optimization
A trick for improving player movement through your single or multiplayer level. Touches on the proper use of prop_physics, player clips, and layout techniques.
Making it Rain or Snow
Making it Rain or Snow
Simple terrain with displacement
This is a basic tutorial on displacement mapping
Barrel Push (41)
In several paces in the game, metropolice throw ignited explosive barrels down onto Freeman, in water.
Energy Ball Launcher by Bud Doug Lee (166)
Based on a VMF supplied by Bud Doug Lee this shows how to set up an active Energy Ball launcher and trap for PORTAL.
Got Props?
The most common reason for props not showing up in the game
Making skybox trees and forests using detailtype keyword. (208)
Have you ever noticed that some 'grass' textures also have tall grass and weeds that show up in game?
Basic Logic_Compares and Game_UIs
The basic principles to Game_UI and Logic_Compare entity control.
Leaks, Pointfiles, and You
A Ladder (8)
In this series of tutorials we will take the room made in the first tutorial, duplicate it, and make a two level room.
Trigger Push (115)
This is an illustration of some of the things you can do with Trigger_push. Most of what you need to know is in the VMF as you can experience the effects there.
'Shoot to open' door tutorial
Make a door open when shot
Fixing Half-Life 2 and Portal Mods on SteamPipe: A Quick Guide
This article can help bring your older mods back to life on Steam pipe
Magnusson Device (197)
how to make the Magnusson Device spawner from Episode 2.
Weapon entity
Weapon entity
CS_Militia-like Flowing Water
Moving water layer
Combine Assault (22)
This tutorial shows how to place and link, ai_goal_assault, assault_assaultpoint and assault_rallypoint.
The Arch Tool - Part 1 (73)
In this first tutorial on the Arch tool, we will make a tunnel, like those seen in HL2.
Making Maps Realistic by #1Duck (177)
Making Maps Realistic
3D Skyboxes
Want to make it look like your map is enormous without it actually being large? Read on!
Sharp light from windows
You have an nice interior area of your map. You have a few opaque windows and you want to have them cast light into your map.
PORTAL -Detachable Camera by Nero (161)
this is how you make the camera drop to the ground like in the singleplayer game.
Antlion attack, when you are on the Sand (32)
This tutorial demonstrates some of the action in the Coast levels in the game.
Random Explosions (44)
a way for setting off events (explosions in this case) randomly
How To make a ladder
How To make a ladder
Spawning and Respawning (170)
This tutorial follows a request on the Halfwit-2 forum about respawning items.
Subdivide tool
Shows you what you should use subdivide for
Strider Walking (117)
This is a tutorial about ncp_strider . It will cover walking.
Advanced Camera Techniques
Cycling between cameras, chase cameras, etc.
Emancipation Grill or Cleanser Portal by Dinonid (156)
This is another PORTAL tutorial. This shows how to make the 'Emancipation Grill' or Portal Cleanser, that removes the useful boxes, when you walk through.
Curved Geometry along Curved Surfaces
Creating curved geometry using arches
Dog Plays Ball (37)
This is how to recreate the dog/ball interchange that appears in Eli's lab in the game.
Slide Out Stairs (203)
This is a set of stairs that slide out from a wall.
Combine Thumpers
Using them, and stopping them from kicking up dust
3d Skybox 2 (102)
In this tutorial I will try to describe how to make a 3d skybox. See tutorial 100, here for the theory. The map I am making here is a bit like the SDK_3dskybox map, simple enough, but the principles apply to more complicated maps
Weapon Pickups
A different way of doing it
Water and Displacements (179)
Shows how to place water so it looks natural in a displacement area.
Strider Crouch-walking (119)
This is another tutorial about ncp_strider. It will cover crouching and crouch/walking under things. This was difficult to get to work, but the important issue seems to be make sure there is enough space all around the strider.
Triggered door with button
Triggered door with button
Expert Compile Setup
Configure advanced compile to run with extra parameters etc.
Attack waves
Learn how to use the npc_maker entity to create attack waves of enemies
Making a Camera Part 2
Making a Camera Part 2
Rotating Door (4)
Create a simple setup with a door that rotates
Battery Puzzle (21)
It is the Battery Puzzle in HalfLife 2 where you have to get the batteries all hooked up.
Basic Water (10)
Create a basic water setup for your source level
Combine Shield
An intermediate tutorial, it will try to give as much step by step as possible, but assumes you have Basic knowledge like making a room, using an info_player_start, and putting in a light entity.
Absolute Beginners’ Guide to Source Mapping
Take your first steps into creating a map in Valve’s Source SDK.
Making Water
Making Water
Hanging Entitys from a rope in CS:Source
Hanging Entitys from a rope in CS:Source
Combine Shield (181)
How to construct one from scratch - though there is a prefab in Hammer.
Collapsing Ceiling - by Stadric (83)
You want to make a ceiling collapse, whether to let in combine soldiers or headcrabs, or just to block a route. In this tutorial, I'll be showing you the basics.
Combine Dropship
Need to make a dropship fly in and drop off some combine soldiers?
Flares by Raidenator (104)
This tutorial was put together by Raidenator and shows how to make flares the player can pick up.
Manhack Attack 1 (13)
Add manhacks to your level that are hostile towards the player
Keypad Puzzle by Bud Doug Lee (193)
A keypad tutorial with a difference
Patrolling Scanner (149)
This shows how to make a npc_c scanner on the same path patrol endlessly.
BuyZone Video Tutorial by Meathead (72)
Placing a BuyZone in a CSS map.
The Actbusy System
The actbusy system is used to make NPCs appear busy. NPCs do so on placed nodes and will act busy until certain conditions are met (such as hearing an explosion).
Double Sliding Doors (122)
This is a tutorial showing how to make double sliding doors
Radar locations in Counter-Strike: Source
Ever wanted to give areas in your map a name that'll show up under the radar, next to teamchat and that bots will refer to?
Soundscape List (from Bornstein and Wise)
This is a list of soundscapes for some Source Games
Drawbridge (16)
Part 1 - This tutorial shows how to make a single drawbridge.
Friendly turrets
A basic application of the ai_relationship entity
Physics in Source
How to get physics objects into your Source engine maps
Patrolling Cops and Combine by Lord Ned (130)
This tutorial shows how to make npc_metropolice and npc_combine_s patrol. It's based on ai_goal_actbusy and info_node_hint entities.
Realism in Maps Part 2 by #1Duck (178)
This Tutorial assumes you have completed 'Part-1', of making the corridor.
Citizens jump to follow player (26)
This tutorial shows how to get citizens to jump down, as in the d3_c17_04 level HL2.
Ai_goal_actbusy (55)
This tutorial is a basic guide to the ai_goal_actbusy entity.
Making a Rotating Door
Making a Rotating Door
Breen TV (45)
Create a TV with Breen talking on it
Doors in HL2: The prop_door_rotating Entity
Doors in HL2: The prop_door_rotating Entity
Watery Death (141)
This shows how to construct a water area that kills the player. Obvious example is from Lost Coast - where if you venture into the water you see all these white leeches and you die fairly quickly.
Combine Architecture
Doing Buildings and Models the Combine way of life.
Brush Entity Decals
A short tutorial on how to add decals to brush entities.
Point_ViewControl - The Camera (53)
The PVC is a camera that you can have static or moving. It changes the players view from the player, to anywhere you like.
Hammer Editor Tutorial #1 - How to start the Hammer Editor
We'll show everyone who wants to do a Map for HL2 or a different Mod
Making a Breakable Window
Making a Breakable Window
Box Operated Button (159)
This is another PORTAL tutorial. This one is the basic circular door model with the button that you put the box on to open it.
AI path Finding in HL2 by Bud Doug Lee (134)
AI path Finding in Half-Life 2
Creating caves using Displacements
Ever wondered how you can make caves like in Episode 2?
Environmental effects
Sun, rain, dust and fog
Rappeling Cops (29)
This is a tutorial about rappeling. Cops and combines dropping out of the air to make life difficult for the player.
Making Glass Start Out Broken
This tutorial will teach you how to make a func_breakable_surf start out broken when the map loads without the player doing anything to it.
Setting a sky
This tutorial will describe how to set a sky different than the default one. At the end of the tutorial there is also a list of all the available skies as well as a link to a picture of them for reference.
This tutorial covers the basics of gameflow, why it is important and how to achieve it.
Dynamic Light
Introduction to the light_dynamic entity
Breakable Padlock (87)
This tutorial shows how to make a breakable padlock, enabling access to a locked/padlocked area. This is the promised extension to the env_steam tutorial ( No: 51) and uses that VMF.
Ladders...that work!
This is a tutorial on how to make ladders that actually work
Gordon Wakes up (43)
This tutorial illustrates how to recreate the effect of Gordon Freeman waking, then getting up.
Controlling Combine Assaults
Using assault_ entities to direct Combine assaults
Making a Rotating Fan
Making a Rotating Fan
Making a Bomb Site in CS:Source
Making a Bomb Site in CS:Source
Gunship Explodes (40)
This is a small tutorial demo, which has an npc_combinegunship flying around for a while and then exploding.
The Core from Ep1 - by Maloof? (167)
This tutorial by Maloof?/Superbacon of the Facepunch Forums, covers the placement and basic animation of the Citadel Core from Halflife-2: Episode 1.
Lightmap Scale by #1Duck (183)
In this tutorial I will show you how to use lightmapscale to help make good, realistic looking shadows.(#1Duck)
Displaying something, and plugged into the wall
Zombie Breaks out of a cupboard (107)
In this and the last tutorial, I have tried to show how to set up a zombie breaking through walls: out of a cupboard and through metal panels
Antlions Crash in (39)
This tutorial attempts to show how to make them come up through the floors.
A Guide to Lighting in Source - Part Two
Part two of an In-depth tutorial covering the ins and outs of lighting in the Source Engine
A Corridor (6)
Create a simple corridor in hammer
Blowtorch by Nero (172)
This is a tutorial from Nero that shows you how to make a carryable blowtorch that you can use to cut open a door.
Scripted Sequence - Cops jump down. (90)
It shows how to get npc_metropolice to jump down off walls. (Level d1_canals_01a for example).
Three Switchable, Rotating Cameras (47)
This is an extension of the tutorial on cameras.
Hang 'Em High: phys_ballsocket
Hang 'Em High: phys_ballsocket
Falloff Distances Keyvalue in the Light Entity (97)
This is a small tutorial demo, showing how to use the 50 percent falloff distance and 0 percent falloff distance in the light and light_spot entities.
Npc_Seagull (79)
how to get npc_seagull to spawn and to fly.
Citizens open door and enter room (205)
Tutorial showing how to get citizens (NPC's) to come through a door.
Mounted Guns
and why yours might not work
The 2D Skybox (57)
This is a tutorial on the 2-D skybox, which is the simpler of the two types of skybox in Hammer.
Make Your Source Maps Glow with Cubemaps and HDR
High Dynamic Range can help you add that warm glow to your creation.
Detailing map brushes using XSI
How to use XSI to detail your world geometry
CSS Bomb Advance Tutorial by Meathead (77)
Following on from the bomb target tutorial - how to set Bomb advance in your CSS map with fire and sound. This is a VIDEO tutorial.
Displacement Domes
How to make the inside and outside of a dome using displacement surfaces
Point_viewcontrol Part 2 (120)
This is a revision (April 2009) of the original tutorial which turned out inaccurate either because I'm dumb, or because of a change in the SDK. It's an addition to the tutorial (53) on the Point_viewcontrol entity.
Gravity (112)
This is a basic tutorial on how the Gravity function works. Put simply, to change the gravity the player must walk through a trigger_gravity brush.
Large Thumper (123)
This tutorial shows how to place a Thumper (The combine machine that scares the antlions) This is the version you can climb and switch on and off.
Citizen guards area against Player by qwerty (147)
This was put together by qwerty who was trying to find a way to make the Citizen act like a metrocop guarding an area (ai_goal_police).
Compiling Errors
A list of them, and solutions
Hammer Editor Tutorial #3 - First Room
In this Tutorial we will explain you how to create your first room. You will learn to place one light and a player start and something more. So you got a basic knowledge of building a map.
Finding and Repairing Leaks
Finding leaks in the new Hammer
First Source Room
In this tutorial i will show you how to create a basic room with a nice light and how to use the HDR effect in your maps.